Senin, 24 Februari 2014

thanks for the gifts

Oops.. a bit gulity feeling's sneaking up while I have no posting to be shared, since no creation during the latest post,cause I've been busy moving up my stuffs to our new bigger house..wish we'll get a HOME,not only a house to live in.

hmm.. kali ini ingin berterima kasih untuk hadiah2 yang sudah saya terima dari Crafter Mania Nongkrong Bareng atas hadiah menang lomba BDB 5 nya, meskipun lama nunggunya hihihi....karena banyak dapat aplikasi rosebud flanel, inginnya segera saya eksekusi jadi craft ala saya..hmmm bikin apa ya...?ada yang mau nyumbang ide?

Hadiah BDB 5

terima kasih juga untuk hadiah giveaway dari Cemprut Indie Craft. Ga nyangka bakal menang,soalnya yang ikutan banyaaaak bangetttt.. dan biasanya saya kurang hoki kalo lomba2 undian gitu...
hadiah Giveaway Cemprut Indie Craft dg pembungkusnya yg unyu2

 Dalam sebulan dapat 2 kali pengumuman sebagai pemenang itu bikin saya semangat, jangan2 mang saya 'jodoh'nya menekuni dunia craft..setelah 'se-tua' ini masih aja galau nyari passion ..semoga Yuari Craft ini juga bisa sukses seperti para senior crafter yang keren2itu.

one day I'll make Yuari Craft giveaway too..let's wish & pray it wouldn't take a long time to make it happen.. please keep reading this blog also like our FP Yuari Craft to speed up that happening..

thanks for visiting! Enjoy crafting friends....

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

my own personal wedding doll

Hi..apa kabar lagi?. semoga tidak bosan dengan tulisan saya ya..

Minggu ini saya menyelesaikan boneka pengantin ukuran kurang lebih 15cm, yang modelnya adalah saya sendiri dan suami waktu setelah moment sakral itu.. hehehe..., jadi tidak untuk dijual, hanya untuk koleksi di rumah saya..

 ini dia hasilnya

 Semoga menginspirasi.. kalau ada yang mau order untuk wedding doll-nya sendiri boleh kok..

-yunita arianty-

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

character doll & sweety doll

Actually I don't know what to post this time, but I'd love to share my latest works.

At the end of January , I've been participating on a little competition ( I said a little because it was a regular competition ,which only participated by its member) of making Character Doll which held by a group on facebook, you can find the group here. It was my first craft competition for me, so it's nothing to lose for me to take part of it, at least if I couldn't win, I would have still the doll to be displayed,being my one of  portfolio :)
And then the winner announcement posted: my name was mentioned as one of the winner. Yayy..

so this is the character I've made for that event : Magician girl

I also finally finished dressing up a doll which I left undress last year( I irresponsible :p). A bit different from the first idea..but still cute. I made her with SWEETY DOLLS  book patterns, but also made it in my own style. Anyone who've been curious with the book or it's original dolls can see them on here .

This is a sweety doll ala Yuari Craft.

If you would like to adopt my collection, click here

Now I'll be working on couple dolls though it might be hard because soon I should pack my stuffs and move to my new house.. So see you next time..leave your comment below :)

Happy crafting & thank you for visiting.